INVITED ARTIST IN RESIDENCY x Jingdezhen International Studio - Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue 18.09-26.11.2017 Jingdezhen, China

Taoxichuan nasce dalla riqualifica di importanti fabbriche attive negli anni ‘50, produttrici principalmente di piatti per la tavola esportati in Occidente. il sito è diventato un punto di riferimento internazionale per gli artisti che lavorano con la ceramica. Luce è stata invitata nell'ambito dello scambio culturale tra faenza e jingdezhen, rappresentando la sua città con due residenze, la prima nel 2016. In residenza ha prodotto opere che sono entrate a far parte della collezione taoxichuan, oltre ad altre che sono state spedite e presentate in importanti mostre personali e collettive. museo zauli - jingdezhen biennale


Taoxichuan emerged from the redevelopment of important factories active in the 1950s that mainly produced tableware exported to the West. the site has become an international reference point for artists working with ceramics. Luce was invited as part of the cultural exchange between Faenza and jingdezhen, representing her hometown with two residencies, the first in 2016. During her residency, she produced works that became part of the Taoxichuan collection, as well as others that were sent and presented in important solo and group exhibitions.

2016 art director - ryan matthew mitchell

2017 art director - Po wen liu

made in china PITTURA /// PAINTING

OPERE e residenza /// WORKS and residency

LASTRE /// slabs

Chinese madness porcellana smaltata dipinta a mano /// hand painted glazed porcelain _ 114 x 57 x 3cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

Fuck contemporary art I just wanna paint roses porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 114 x 57 x 3cm _ jingdezhen 2017

made in china - é una bomba - no flowers untill i’m dead - no porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelaiN _ 26 x 36 x 2cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017


Another fucking blue and white vase. The man porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 40 x 25 x 25cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

Another fucking blue and white vase. The WOman porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 65 x 30 x 30cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

made in china porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain 45x25x25cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

TOO BLUE to be true. The man porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 65 x 30 x 30cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

TOO BLUE to be true. The WOman porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 50 x 30 x 30cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

no flowers until I’m dead porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 65 x 30 x30cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

ancora porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 55 x 20 x 20cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

ecco i primi vasi con decorazione scritta dell’artista, reazione spontanea all’essere circondata da porcellana bianca e blu /// here are the first vases with the artist's written decoration, a spontaneous reaction to being surrounded by white and blue porcelain _ JINGDEZHEN 2016

vasi istoriati /// ILLUSTRATED vases

KARAOKE - another love song porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 70 x 25 x 25cm _ Jingdezhen 2017

Taobao - Web shopping porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelaiN _ 55 x 35 x 35cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2017

Massage porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelaiN _ 65 x 25 x 25cm _ JINGDEZHEN 2016 - WORK PART OF TAOXICHUAN COLLECTION

JINGDEZHEN TRIPTYCH _ porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelaiN _ JINGDEZHEN 2016

PANDA VASES - porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ Jingdezhen 2016

smartphone goddess porcellana smaltata /// glazed porcelain _ 114 x 57 x 3cm _ jingdezhen 2017

murales /// street art

SMARTPHONE GODDESS acrilici su muro /// Acrylics on wall _ 5 x 3m _ HUA QUAN VILLAGE _ Yingtan 2017

delirio on lake acrilici su muro /// Acrylics on wall _ 5 x 2m _ HUA QUAN VILLAGE _ Yingtan 2017

MADE IN CHINA _ animazione digitale 2D /// 2d Digital Animation _ video Luce Raggi - SOUND simona WILBI _ JINGDEZHEN 2017






mostra personale delle opere prodotte durante la residenza /// Solo exhibition showing the works produced during the residency Jingdezhen International Studio _ taoxichuan ceramic art avenue _ 22.09.2017


